Freelance Work
Collection of current freelance work
Done under Great Lakes Goons, LLC \ Kirstin Volkening
- Brochure created to advertise Adult Classes for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.
- Brochure created to advertise Workshops for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.
- Brochure created to advertise Rentals for The Revival, an improv studio recently moved to the South Side Loop.
- Homepage created in Squarespace for The Revival to show off all they offer.
- Workshop page from The Revival’s new website
- A custom navigation fly-out advertising a new bone shape.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Email created and sent to customers to hype them up about the new treat launch.
- Marketing campaign around the launch of their new treats playing up their unique qualities. Used on their DTC website.
- Email sent to customers advertising what makes these treats so unique.
- Pinned Instagram posts advertising the new launch item for customers to easily reference.
- Gif created for an email and social channels to advertise the sale ending soon.
- Custom peanut butter jar created to send to influencers to advertise the new bone shape.
- Feather flags created for a dog-friendly 5K hosted at a BarK facility in Kansas City.
- Virtual race kit email header after the BarK 5K to sell extra race kits to those who couldn’t make it in-person.
- Virtual race kit Instagram Story after the BarK 5K to sell extra race kits to those who couldn’t make it in-person.
- Custom medals, ribbons, shirts and race bibs featured at the award ceremony for the dog-friendly 5K at BarK in Kansas City.
- Participant in the dog-friendly 5K hosted at BarK in Kansas City.